Putting in time, even a few minutes, to

spend writing your book during your

first computer session for the day can

be critical. The earlier in the day or

evening you write, the more

opportunity and will you have to

complete a significant portion of your


If you wait until it’s almost time to go to

bed to work on your project, you may

not do any writing for the day at all. The

earlier you add words to your book, the


I’m devoting the entirety of this post to

deciding whether to write a fiction book

you have on your mind for an important

reason – it’s easier to make sales and

generate sales for a nonfiction book

consistently than it is for a fiction book.

This is especially true if the nonfiction

book is a self-help book or another book

which is likely to appeal to a lot of people

in your niche market, people who are

likely to buy your book now.

Getting enough people to buy a fiction

book you write is a different animal.

Before you commence writing it, take

these critical measures to help ensure you

don’t waste your time writing,

proofreading, editing, publishing and

marketing it:

1) Spend at least a few minutes at your

computer pondering whether you can truly

make the book into a piece of work that

someone other than perhaps a dedicated

family member of yours will buy.

2) If you determine it’s worth it to pursue

the project, spend considerable time

coming up with a strong title for the book

and think about how you can begin the

book with an action scene likely to hook

people into buying your story.

3) Devise a solid book description you can

put into your “About the book” page and

the blurb section of Amazon or anywhere

else you choose to self-publish your work

or submit it to a literary agent or

publishing house for consideration.