There are many things you must do well to

sell your books. Here are eight important

components of hooking readers into buying

your books.

Write quality content. Your content has to

be free of typos and grammatical errors.

Also, it must be well-structured and pleasant

to read.

Ensure clarity. Make sure readers will

understand what’s happening throughout your

book. A great way to do this is to have a

smooth transition between every scene,

particularly if you’re writing a fiction story.

Proofread. After you finish writing the book,

carefully read over everything you wrote or

have someone else do it. When I proofread my

works, I painstakingly look for errors, make

sure I understand what I just read in each

paragraph, make sure no paragraph is too long

and make sure all paragraphs are


Edit. Correct each error you or someone else

finds during the proofreading stage.

Have a good book cover. Your cover must look

attractive. If you’re self-publishing your book

and want to handle the cover yourself, please

use Pixabay – they provide quality images you

may use for personal or commercial use.

Write powerful blurb for fiction books. You

can write well plus have a solid title and cover

for your fiction book but it likely won’t do you

any good unless you write a powerful blurb

that is sure to prevent readers from bolting to

the next book on sale. Strive to have at least

four to five short but powerful paragraphs

that are likely to build up enough intrigue;

pay attention to the back covers of

traditionally published books.

Keep in mind the probability of a preview

for your book. Amazon provides a “look inside

the book” preview feature for all books. If I see

the book is full of long, single-spaced

paragraphs or I become confused about what’s

happening in the book while reading the

preview, I won’t buy the book.

Promote your books rather than letting the

market take care of everything for you. If you

don’t promote or market, people can’t find your


You have learned key things to do as an author.

Adhere to this advice to sell more books. To

learn a lot more about having author success,

click here.



Writing books is a lot of work. You put

a lot of time and effort into it. You

would surely hate it if nobody ever

bought your book. Writing a book is

hard enough; you don’t need the

frustration and the feeling you

wasted your time added on. So, I

have written this post to help you

make sure potential buyers can find

your book.

I have news for you; some people

make the mistake of posting the

image and title of their book on

social media but not making it

possible to actually find the book and

buy it. It irritates me to click on the

book image then not being able to find

the book and preview it before perhaps

buying it.

You may only get one chance to leave a

lasting impression with each potential

reader. Every time you post the title,

image and description of your book, be

sure to hyperlink the purchase link for

your book into the promotion page.

Finally, promote your books through

social media, Facebook writers groups,

book promotion websites, your own

author website and more. Not

promoting your books makes it too hard

for people to find them.

As they say, patience is a virtue. This is

especially true for you as an author.

You’re likely to go through ups and

downs on your book sales. There may be

times when you make multiple sales in a

month then go many months without

selling one book.

The more books you write and the more

you learn how to be a successful author,

the more rewarding your writing career

should be. The key is to hang in there.